
Mulesoft Interview Questions

Q. What is Mule?
Mule is an open-source enterprise integration platform that helps tackle the problems in developing integration applications. Some of the problems that are tackled by Mule include Error handling, Monitoring, Lifecycle and management, Data format, etc. Thus, with these problems gone, Mule helps focus on the application’s core requirements like scalability and efficiency.

Q. What are the different tools and services offered by Mulesoft?
MuleSoft helps in the task of data integration diligently and efficiently. The tools and services offered by MuleSoft include:

API Designer: API Designer is a web-based tool that contains a console and a scripting notebook for JavaScript.
API Manager: API Manager is a management tool that allows organizations in managing users, traffic, and service level agreements.
Anypoint Studio: Anypoint Studio is a graphical design environment to build and edit APIs and integrations.
API Portal: This is a portal that offers developers different kinds of documents, tutorials, and code snippets related to APIs.
API Analytics: API Analytics is an analytics tool that allows a user to track the specifications of an API. This also includes its performance, usage, and reliability. Additionally, it offers a dashboard and charts.

Q. What is Mule ESB?
Mule ESB stands for Mule Enterprise Service Bus. Mule ESB makes it easy for the development teams to flexibly connect, access, and exchange data easily. This means that even though the application is running into different VMs, the interactions between them are easy.

Following are some of the features of Mule ESB:

  • Message Transformation Service
  • Set of Service Container
  • Web Service Security
  • Message Routing Service
  • Simple drag-and-drop graphical design
  • Centralized monitoring and administration

Q. What are the different types of variables in MuleSoft?
The different types of variables in MuleSoft are as follows:

Flow Variable: This is used to either set or remove variables that are tied to a particular message in the current flow.
Syntax: #[flowVars.Code] Record Variable: This is used for the batch processing flows. Unlike any other variable, these are special variable sets that are used only inside a Batch Job.
Syntax: #[recordVars.Code] Session Variable: This is used to either set or remove variables tied to a particular message for the entire lifecycle.
Syntax: #[sessionVars.Code]

Q. What are the different types of messages in MuleSoft?

Echo and Log message – These are used to log messages and move them from inbound to outbound routers. Inbound Routers means a single event is received via an endpoint and the router controls how and if this event gets routed into the system. Outbound routers mean once a message has been processed by a component an outbound router can be used to determine which components get the result event.
Bridge Message – This is a passed message from inbound to outbound routers.
Build Message – These are messages created from fixed or dynamic values.

Q. What are the different Primitives used in Mediation?
Mediation is used for personalizing interactions between distributed applications and service components. The following are the different Primitives used in Mediation:

  • Message Filter
  • Type Filter
  • Endpoint Lookup
  • Service Invoke
  • Fan-out
  • Fan-in
  • XSLT
  • BO Map
  • Message Element Setter
  • DB lookup
  • Data Handler
  • Custom Mediation
  • Header Setters
  • Message Logger
  • Even Emitter
  • Stop
  • Fail
  • Sub Flow

Q. What is a shared resource in Mule?
In Mule, shared resources are common resources that are exposed to all applications deployed under the same domain. Sharing resources allows different development teams to work in parallel.

For instance: Connector configurations could be made a reusable resource. These could be shared among all applications deployed.

These shared resources should be defined in the Mule Domain Project. These should then be referred to each of the projects that are meant to use the elements in it.

Q. What are the Models?
In Mulesoft studio, the grouping of services (application objects and their attributes) created are called Models. Through this, a user can start and stop the services inside a given model.

Q. What are Connectors in Mule?
Connectors in Mule are Mule’s abstraction for sending and receiving data and interacting with various APIs. There are generally 2 forms of connectors in Mule:

Transport: This is the most common form of connector used in Mule. Like HTTP, transports provide an adaptation layer for a protocol. These are the sources and sinks for data – to get data into and out of flows.
Cloud connectors: These are typically used to interact with an API. Usually, cloud connectors don’t give endpoints. Instead, they have message processors that map to the operations provided in the API. The operations of an API are combined by these cloud connectors. The effect of this is that the initial friction for a developer is greatly reduced.

Q. What is a runtime manager in Mule?
In Mule, a runtime manager is used for deploying and managing Mule applications. This is done on the Mule runtime engine where Mule runtime is running. We can deploy or pause the mule application by using runtime manager. We can also change the runtime version of the application at a given time. The worker size can be increased or decreased as well.

Q. What is Worker in MuleSoft?
In Mulesoft, Worker is a dedicated instance of Mule hosted on AWS that is used to run the integration applications.

Following are some of the features of workers:

Capacity: For the purpose of data processing, every worker has a given amount of capacity.
Isolation: Isolation means that every worker runs in a separate container from every other application.
Manageability: Manageability means that the deployment and management of each worker are done independently.
Locality: In this feature, every worker runs and is located on a specific worker cloud.

Q. What is the Mule Transformer or Mulesoft Transformer?
Mule Transformer or Mulesoft Transformer is an event instance used to refer to a library, org.mule.api.MuleEvent. This is used to carry the messages with the event. The main aim of the Mule transformer is to create a chain of transformers.

Q. What are the Models in Mulesoft studio?
In Mulesoft studio, the grouping of services, i.e., application objects and their created attributes, are called Models. Models enable a user to start and stop the services inside a given model.

Q. What is API in Mulesoft, and what are its main features?
In Mulesoft, API is an acronym that stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a software interface that allows two applications to interact with each other without any user interference.

API is used to enable products or services to communicate with other products and services without knowing how they are implemented.

Following is the list of some essential features of API:

  • API is efficient enough to allow two applications to interact with each other without any user interference.
  • It provides wide reachability.
  • It is customizable.
  • It provides the facility of personalization.
  • It provides data ownership.
  • It can easily be integrated with GUI.
  • It is time-effective.
  • It is language-independent.

Q. What parameters are used in configuring a scheduler in Mulesoft?
Following is a list of related parameters which are used to configure a scheduler:

  • Frequency: Frequency is used by the scheduler for triggering flows.
  • Start Delay: Start Delay is the waiting time used before triggering any flow.
  • Time Unit: It is used to specify the time unit for frequency and start delay.


Q. What is the payload in Mulesoft?
In Mulesoft, the payload is a Mule runtime variable used to store objects or arrays. It helps developers to access payload under different forms.

Q. What are the various parts of composing a message in Mulesoft?
Following are the different parts of composing a message in Mulesoft:

Properties: Properties are used to store the header or meta-information similar to the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) message.
Payload: Payload is the main data context carried by a particular message.
Multiple name attachments: Multiple name attachments are used to support multiple messages or payloads during event processing.

Q. What is Mule Data Integrator?
A Mule Data Integrator is a tool used to map data by visualizing it. It also provides a drag and drops feature interface, which facilitates developers to code easily.

Q. What do you understand by a shared resource in Mulesoft?
In Mulesoft, a shared resource is a common resource that is exposed to all applications deployed under the same domain. The biggest advantage of using the shared resource is that it allows different development teams to work parallel.

For example, Connector configurations can be used as a reusable resource, sharing them among all applications deployed.

The shared resources should be defined in the Mulesoft Domain Project and referred to each of the projects eligible to use the elements within it.

Following are the different six types of strategy Mulesoft has for flow processing:

  • A queued asynchronous flow processing.
  • Custom flow processing.
  • Tread per processing.
  • Queued flow processing.
  • Non-blocking flow processing.
  • Synchronous flow processing.
  • Asynchronous flow processing.

Q. What are Connectors in Mulesoft?
In Mulesoft, connectors are Mule’s abstraction used for sending and receiving data and interacting with various APIs. There are generally two types of connectors in Mule:

Transport: Transport is the most common form of connector used in Mule. Like HTTP, transport is used to provide an adaptation layer for a protocol.

Cloud connectors: Cloud connectors are generally used to interact with an API. They don’t give endpoints. Instead, they have message processors that map to the operations provided in the API. These cloud connectors combine the operations of an API.

Q. What are the different types of ESPs used in the market?
Following are the different types of ESPs used in the market:

  • Mule ESB
  • JBoss fuse ESB
  • Talend

Q. What are the Workers in Mulesoft?
In Mulesoft, Workers are the dedicated instance of Mule hosted on AWS. They are used to run the integration applications.

Following is the list of some important features of the workers:

Capacity: It is used for data processing. Every worker has a certain amount of capacity.
Isolation: Isolation means that every worker runs in a separate container from every other application.
Manageability: It specifies that the deployment and management of each worker are done independently.
Locality: This feature specifies that every worker that runs is located on a specific worker cloud.

Q. A web service is a collection of open protocols and standards used for exchanging data between applications or systems. Mule ESB?
The different types of variables in Mule ESB are:

  • Flow Variable
  • Session Variable
  • Record Variable

Q. What are the various types of Exception Handling in Mule ESB?
The types of exception handling in Mule ESB are:

  • Default Exception Handling
  • Global Exception Handling
  • Catch Exception Handling
  • Choice Exception Handling

Q. What are the advantages of Soap Web Services?
WS Security: SOAP defines its own security known as WS Security.
Language and Platform independent: SOAP web services can be written in any programming language and executed in any platform.
Disadvantages of Soap Web Services:

Slow: SOAP uses XML format that must be parsed to be read. It defines many standards that must be followed while developing SOAP applications. So it is slow and consumes more bandwidth and resource.

WSDL dependent: SOAP uses WSDL and doesn’t have any other mechanism to discover the service.

Q. What are the Features of Mule ESB?
An ESB is used for integration using a service-oriented approach. Its main features are:
1. Set of Service Container
2. Message Transformation Service
3. Message Routing Service
4. Web Service Security

Q. What Are Differences Between Mule And Other Commercial Tabs?
Prescriptive deployment model, whereas Mule supports a wide variety of deployment strategies. Prescriptive SOA methodology, whereas Mule can embrace the architectural style and SOA practices in place where it is deployed. Mainly focused on higher-level concerns, whereas Mule deals extensively with all the details of integration. Strict full-stack web service orientation, whereas Mule’s capacities as an integration framework open it to all sorts of other protocols. Comprehensive documentation, a subject on which MuleSource has made huge progress recently.

Q. What Is Connector In Mule?
A connector is in charge of controlling the usage of a particular protocol. It is configured with parameters that are specific to this protocol and holds any state that can be shared with the underlying entities in charge of the actual communications.
For example, a JMS connector is configured with a Connection, which is shared by the different entities in charge of the actual communication. ( big data online training )

Q. What Is Model Layer In Mule?
The first logical layer is the model layer. A Mule model represents the runtime environment that hosts services. It defines the behavior of Mule when processing requests handled by services. The model provides services with supporting features, such as exception strategies. It also provides services with default values that simplify their configuration.

Q. What Is Service Layer In Mule?
A Mule service is composed of all the Mule entities involved in processing particular requests in predefined manners. A service is defined by a specific configuration. This configuration determines the different elements, from the different layers of responsibility, that will be mobilized to process the requests that it will be open to receive. Depending on the type of input channel it uses, a service may or may not be publicly accessible outside of the ESB.

Q. Where would you like your career with Mulesoft to take you?
Professional Answers Preview “One of the reasons I was so excited to interview with Mulesoft is because of the endless growth opportunities you appear to offer your high performing employees. My biggest ambition is to be awarded a management role in the next 3-5 years.” “What interests me most about your company is that there are so many options when it comes to career growth. Ideally, I would like to earn my way into a team lead role, then a division manager position in the digital management department. Eventually, a CDO (Chief Data Officer) level role would be ideal. Of course, I understand that this will take many years of dedication and hard work.”

Q. What is the definition of Web Services?
Web service is a function or program in any language that can be accessed over HTTP. Message format can be XML or JSON or any other program as long as the other programs can understand and communicate. Any web service has a server-client relationship. Web services can be synchronous or asynchronous. Any web service can have multiple clients.

Q. What is your understanding of this position and the responsibilities that come with it?
Professional Answers Preview “From our previous conversation, understanding the job description, and researching the role online I feel that the job is best described as a project leader focused on X, Y, and Z. The technical requirements that you would like to see are A, B, and C. I am well versed in the tasks and programs you are asking for and am confident that I meet the strict requirements to successfully perform in this role.” “My understanding is that you seek a candidate with expert level skills in X, Y, and Z, who can train junior employees.

Q. Do you have any questions about my technical expertise?
Assure the interviewer that you bring a full understanding of the technical requirements attached to this particular job. It is very important that you research the role and thoroughly consume the information provided in the company’s job posting/job description. Keep your answer to the point. ( data science online training )

Q. What is the difference between SOAP and REST?

SOAP is a protocol. -> REST is an architectural style.
SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. -> REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer.
SOAP can’t use REST because it is a protocol. -> REST can use SOAP web services because it is a concept and can use any protocol like HTTP, SOAP.
SOAP uses services interfaces to expose business logic. -> REST uses URI to expose business logic.
SOAP defines standards to be strictly followed. -> REST does not define too many standards like SOAP.
SOAP defines standards to be strictly followed. -> REST does not define too many standards like SOAP.
SOAP requires more bandwidth and resource than REST. -> REST requires less bandwidth and resource than SOAP.
SOAP defines its own security. -> RESTful web services inherit security measures from the underlying transport.
SOAP permits XML data format only. -> REST permits different data format such as Plain text, HTML, XML, JSON etc.
SOAP is less preferred than REST. -> REST more preferred than SOAP.

Q. What Is Component In Mule?
Components are the centerpiece of Mule’s services. Each service is organized with a component at its core and inbound and outbound routers around it. Components are used to implement a specific behavior in service. This behavior can be as simple as logging messages or can go as far as invoking other services. Components can also have no behavior at all; in that case, they are pass-through and make the service act as a bridge between its inbound and outbound routers. ( tableau online training )

Q. What is a SOAP Web Service?
SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. It is an XML-based protocol for accessing web services. SOAP is a W3C recommendation for communication between two applications.
SOAP is XML based protocol. It is platform-independent and language independent. By using SOAP, you will be able to interact with other programming language applications.

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Mulesoft Online Training

Spiritsofts is the best Training Institute for MuleSoft to expand your skills and knowledge. We Provides the best learning Environment. Obtain all the training by our expert professional which is having working experience from Top IT companies.The Training in is every thing we explained based on real time scenarios, it works which we do in companies.

Experts Training sessions will absolutely help you to get in-depth knowledge on the subject.

Key FeaturesCourse ContentFAQs
  • 40 hours of Instructor Training Classes
  • Lifetime Access to Recorded Sessions
  • Real World use cases and Scenarios
  • 24/7 Support
  • Practical Approach
  •  Expert & Certified Trainers

Introduction to Application Networks a& API-Led Connectivity

  • Identifying the problems in IT industry today
  • Introduction to application network is and its benefits
  • Introduction to build an application network using API-led
  • connectivity
  • Introduction to web services and API’s
  • Introduction to API directories and portals
  • How to make calls to secure and unsecured APIs

Introducing Any-point Platform

  • Any point Platform Components
  • What is the role of each component in building application networks
  • Any point Platform Navigation
  • Any point Exchange – Locate APIs and other assets needed to build
  • integrations and APIs
  • Flow Designer – Creating basic integrations to connect systems

Designing APIs

  • RAML (Restful API Modeling Language)
  • Defining APIs with RAML
  • Crating Mock APIs to test their design before they are built
  • Make APIs discoverable by adding them to Any point Exchange
  • Creating API portals for developers to learn how to use APIs

Building APIs

  • Define Mule applications
  • Define flows
  • Define messages
  • Define message processors
  • Create flows graphically using Any-point Studio
  • Building, running, and testing Mule applications
  • Connect to databases using connector
  • Graphical Data Weave editor to transform data
  • Create Restful interfaces for applications from a RAML file
  • Connect API interfaces to API implementations

Deploying and Managing APIs

  • Options for deploying Mule applications
  • Use properties in Mule applications
  • Deploy Mule applications to Cloud Hub
  • Create and deploy API proxies to Cloud Hub using API Manager
  • Restrict access to API proxies

Accessing and Modifying Mule Messages

  • Log message data
  • How to debug Mule applications
  • Read and write message properties
  • Mule Expression Language (MEL)
  • Write expressions with MEL
  • Create variables

Structuring Mule Applications

  • Create reference flows and sub flows
  • Pass messages between flows using the Java Virtual Machine (VM)
  • transport
  • Investigate variable persistence through sub flows and flows and
  • across transport barriers
  • Encapsulate global elements in separate configuration files
  • Explore the files and folder structure of Mule projects

Consuming Web Services

  • Consume Restful web services with and without parameters
  • Consume Restful web services that have RAML definitions
  • Consume SOAP web services
  • Use Data Weave to pass parameters to SOAP web services

Handling Errors

  • Different types of exception strategies
  • Handle messaging exceptions in flows
  • Create and use global exception handlers
  • Specify a global default exception strategy

Controlling Message Flow

  • Route messages based on conditions
  • Multicast messages
  • Filter messages
  • Validate messages

Writing Data Weave Transformations

  • Write Data Weave expressions for basic and complex XML
  • Write Data Weave expressions for JSON
  • Write Data Weave expressions for Java transformations
  • Store Data Weave transformations in external files
  • Coerce and format strings, numbers, and dates
  • Use Data Weave operators
  • Define and use custom data types
  • Call MEL functions and Mule flows from Data Weave transformations

Connecting to Additional Resources

  • Connect to SaaS applications
  • Connect to files
  • Poll resources
  • Connect to JMS queues
  • Discover and install connectors not bundled with Any point Studio

Processing Records

  • For each scope to process items in a collection
  • Batch job element (EE) to process individual records
  • Trigger batch jobs using polls
  • Use batch jobs to synchronize data from legacy databases to SaaS
  • applications

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